Plenty of good people have credit problems. Ending up without a vehicle and limited resources only compounds the problems. How can you get out of your financial situation if you can’t get to work? People can be left feeling completely helpless. At Used Car World, we work primarily with people in tough credit situations. Good people who just need a chance to get back on their feet. We get questions from customers all the time that have misconceptions about how bad credit programs work. Some have heard or dealt with dealerships that limit bad credit customers to specific vehicles, or believe that they may be forced into buying a car they don't want. That's just one of the many things that makes us different than other dealerships. We will do our absolute best to get you the car that you want, and we will make sure to get you a car you love and can afford.
What kind of car can I get?
The kind of car you can get is only limited by your financial situation and how much of a down payment you want to make. Dealerships like ours that work with all kinds of credit situations care more about your financial situation than your credit score. How much of a payment will your income allow you to make? How much can you afford to put down? The answers to these questions will determine the type of car you will be able to purchase. Remember, lenders want you to purchase a quality automobile you want just as much as one you can afford. None of our lenders will want you in contract with them on a cheap car that’s unreliable. Very few people will continue to pay their auto loan if there car isn’t running. Borrowers who are driving a car that they like and can afford are much more likely to pay their loan without problem. Bad credit lenders, just like regular lenders want what you want. They want their borrowers driving reliable vehicles that their customer’s like.
Can I choose from any car, or are there only certain cars that work with bad credit programs?
While there are some dealerships that use certain cars for specific programs, we do not. All of our cars except for those listed as “cash only” specials are available for our lending programs. You can choose from any of our cars just like a cash customer can. Your choice is only limited by your financial situation and how much you want to put down. Even if you are unable to get the exact car you want, we go out of our way to find a car that you love and can afford.
Fill out a guaranteed financing application on our website. We can get anyone financed. Even you.
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